Expert Tips on How to Move Your Bulky Couch

You have a couch. It’s crazy comfortable and has quite a few years left in it. You’re moving. The thought of leaving your couch behind is unbearable. So, the big and bulky couch is coming with you. Your friends are likely groaning at your decision. However, moving a couch doesn’t have to be as difficult as it typically seems. Whether you need to simply move that couch into a ground-level living space or you have a dreaded set of stairs to tackle, this article will offer a few tips that can make moving that bulky couch a lot easier.

1. Remove Legs

One of the best ways you can give yourself a bit of extra room when squeezing your couch through halls and doorways is to remove the legs. Many couches come with removable legs, so you just need to figure out how to unlock them. Also, be sure that you don’t leave those legs behind during your move. If the legs cannot be removed, consider sawing them off. If done right, you can easily have them glued back on in such a way that it will never look as though they were sawed off in the first place. While the idea of damaging our couch may seem foolish, when you’re trying to find a way to fit that couch through a door, you’re going to wish you had removed the legs.

2. Measure, Measure, Measure

You likely took the time to measure the spaces in your new place to make sure that everything has its place and can fit through the doors. However, did you also measure the path you would take in order to reach that space? For those who have to carry their couch into a dorm room or apartment, you’re going to have to tangle with a few halls, doors, and maybe a flight of stairs. Take the time to measure each passageway and door. You may just find that it is impossible to pass your bulky sofa through them.

3. Squeeze

Bulky couches have a lot of bulk because they are heavily cushioned. If it’s possible, try to remove those cushions. Not only will this make the couch lighter to carry, but you’re also no longer trying to squeeze a lot of fluff through a narrow passage. If you can’t remove them, then don’t be afraid to push your sofa through. As long as the frame can make it through a passageway, that’s all that matters. Cushions can be replaced and they can often be squished together quite tightly.

4. Talk To Neighbors

Another tip if you’re moving your bulky couch into an apartment is to talk with an apartment owner on the landing floor. This is in the event that the front door doesn’t quite work. You might be able to pass your sofa through their much larger screen door. Of course, you’ll still probably have to remove their front door in order to get out into the hall. Remove doors where possible as this can give you just a bit more space to squeeze your couch through. For those who live on the landing floor, then you might want to consider just using the screen door entrance and bypass the front.

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