Fifteen Items You Should Consider Keeping in Self-Storage

Making Extra Space

Everyone could use a little extra space. One of the best ways you can make space in your home is to rent a self-storage unit. By doing so, you can easily move items that you don’t necessarily need around all year long into them. Knowing just what you should and shouldn’t store may be difficult to decide. To help you out, consider these 15 items Cheap Portland Movers says you may want to consider placing in self-storage.

1. Holiday Decorations

If you like to decorate for the holidays, then you likely have quite a few boxes stacked in your home that is strictly devoted to them. Place them in a labeled box and put them in self-storage until it’s decorating time.

2. Childhood Toys

You were likely given all of your childhood toys when you moved out of the house. It can be difficult to part with some of them. However, they shouldn’t be clogging up your home. Pack them carefully and store in the unit.

3. DVDs

If you have a lot of DVDs sitting around the house that no one watches anymore, you don’t have to throw them out. Some of those DVDs could be worth something someday. Instead, pack them up and store them.

4. Old Video Games/Consoles

The same could be true of old video games and consoles that you may have on hand. You never know when something may become valuable — keeping onto these items could pay-off.

5. VHS Tapes

If you have any VHS tapes, some of them are already in high-demand and can be sold for a handsome price. Hold onto the ones you have just in case they also become valuable.

6. Vinyl Records

These need to be carefully stored, so make sure you take the appropriate measures to ensure they last for years yet to come.

7. Seasonal Equipment

As long as your snowblowers and leaf blowers are emptied of gas, they can also be stored away until you need them again.

8. Collectibles

Whether it’s action figures, comic books, coins, or something else, keep these safe to cash-in later.

9. Furniture

If you have extra pieces of furniture that are heirlooms or new, you can hold onto them by placing them in storage.

10. Gym Equipment

The same goes for gym equipment you no longer use regularly but don’t want to get rid of.

11. Appliances

An extra washer and dryer isn’t a bad thing to have on-hand in the event something goes wrong with the one in your house. In storage, it goes!

12. Scrapbooks

While these can be great to reflect back on, you don’t need them piling up in your home.

13. Books

Unless you have a large library, you likely need extra space for the books you’ve purchased over time. Storage can be the answer.

14. Clothes

Whether it’s fancy clothes or seasonal, you can keep your closet small by putting excess clothes in storage.

15. Shoes

The same can be said for shoes that are seasonal or don’t receive much use anymore. Place them in storage for when you do actually need them.

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